Fil Chauffant Toiture

How does it work?

Installing heating wires prevents snow and ice from accumulating on the roof.
This is a common problem in a cold country like Canada.
So, how does it work?
And how do you install it?
Let’s take a closer look.

Why install heating wires on a roof?

Let’s start by reminding ourselves of the usefulness of installing heating cables.
These cables are designed to melt snow and ice.
In winter, these can build up on roofs and gutters.
These cables prevent ice dams from forming.
Yet ice can cause considerable damage.
In particular, you avoid water leaks and seepage.
And your building’s structure is protected.

At the same time, you reduce the risk of falling ice injuring family members or passers-by.
In all cases, you save money on maintenance and repairs.

How do I install heating wires?

The installation of heating wires follows a number of clearly defined steps:

  • Assessment and preparation: A roof inspection will identify any areas at risk.
    Gutters and gutters must be cleaned prior to any work.
  • Choosing heating wires : It’s essential to use quality materials.
    The cables selected must be resistant (especially to the elements).
    Their characteristics must be adapted to those of the roof.
  • Installation: The wires are installed around the edges of roofs, focusing on areas where ice dams form.
    They can also be placed inside gutters and downspouts to avoid obstructions.
  • Electrical: The cables are then connected to an electrical power source.
    A thermostat is essential for automatic temperature control.
  • Final checks: The system needs to be tested.
    You need to make sure it’s working perfectly before the snow falls.

Call in a professional!

It’s highly recommended that you call in the professionals to install heating wires.
First, there’s the technical side of installation.
Secondly, the work involves working at height.
So rely on qualified roofers and certified electricians.
These technicians have the know-how, skills and experience to install heating cables safely and efficiently.

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